The Striped Crake is a Southern African bird that belongs to the Rallidae bird family group which includes birds such as Flufftails, Rails, Crakes, Gallinules, Swamphens, Moorhens, Coots.
The description for the Striped Crake (Latin name Aenigmatolimnas marginalis) can be found in the 7th Edition of the Roberts Birds of Southern Africa. The Aenigmatolimnas marginalis can be quickly identified by its unique Roberts identification number of 216 and the detailed description of this bird is on page 329. You will find a picture of the Striped Crake on page 320.
NOTE: The reference for the information following is "Roberts Birds of Southern Africa", 7th Edition*. This edition contained a number of taxonomic changes as well as changes to English names used traditionally and in earlier editions of most bird books in South Africa. The following paragraph notes such changes if any.
There have been no changes in the common name between the Roberts 6th and Roberts 7th Edition. There have been no changes in the Latin name for the Striped Crake between the Roberts 6th and Roberts 7th Edition
The Striped Crake has a height of 21 cms and weighs around 50 gms. The head is coloured brown while the bill is coloured green. The Aenigmatolimnas marginalis has a brown coloured throat, green legs and a brown coloured back. The eyes are brown.
The male Aenigmatolimnas marginalis has physical features that are slightly different from the female bird.
Take note of the main distinguishing features such as colour, size and leg length relative to the body size. Colours of body parts can be helpful. Be aware what may appear brown to one person is described in Roberts using some other word ... for example brown, black. See colours used in Roberts.
Head is brown
Eyes are brown
Bill is green
Legs are green
Throat is brown
Back is brown
Feeding Habits ...
This bird forages for food on the ground
This bird has a specially adapted bill which helps it hunt for fish, crabs, shrimp and other aquatic animals in the water.
Breeding, Habitat and Nesting Habits ...
The Striped Crake is a monogamous bird which means that the bird finds and breeds with one partner for the rest of its life. The bird lays between 3 to 5 eggs and they are coloured pink.
The bird builds its nest on the ground with figs, straw and leaves. The nest is placed under a bush to protect the young from predators.
The Striped Crake is found in the Southern African wetlands, riverine forests and moist grasslands.
The bird is at home in riverine forests and close to water bodies such as lakes, dams and streams
Seen in Flocks, Singles or Pairs Normally ...