The Red-chested Flufftail (Latin name Sarothrura rufa) is described in Roberts Birds of Southern Africa, 7th Edition. This bird has a unique Roberts number of 217 and you will find a full description of this bird on page 317 also a picture of the Red-chested Flufftail on page . The Red-chested Flufftail belongs to the family of birds classified as . According to the Percy FitzPatrick Institute of African Ornithology the Red-chested Flufftail is also known by these other names: Red-chested Crake, Red-chested Pygmy Crake, Red-chested Pygmy Rail.
The map of the Kruger you see on this page shows the areas (coloured orange) where this bird has been identified. The basic information was provided by the Avian Demographic Unit based at UCT and I created the maps from that information ... the green dots show the locations of the various Kruger National Park Rest Camps
The Red-chested Flufftail is neither Endemic or near Endemic to the Kruger National Park. It is however a rare resident
In terms of distribution of the Red-chested Flufftail in the Kruger National Park you may not see it in all areas. Red-chested Flufftail : see above distribution map.
Identification assistance for this avian species ...
The male and female Red-chested Flufftail have the same plumage and colours
* Head is .
* Eye is .
* Bill is .
* Throat is .
* Back is .
* Legs are .
This bird has normally proportioned leg length.