วันศุกร์ที่ 19 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2553

Gallinula angulata (Lesser moorhen)

The Lesser Moorhen (Latin name Gallinula angulata) is described in Roberts Birds of Southern Africa, 7th Edition. This bird has a unique Roberts number of 227 and you will find a full description of this bird on page 335 also a picture of the Lesser Moorhen on page 305. The Lesser Moorhen belongs to the family of birds classified as Rallidae.

The map of the Kruger you see on this page shows the areas (coloured orange) where this bird has been identified. The basic information was provided by the Avian Demographic Unit based at UCT and I created the maps from that information ... the green dots show the locations of the various Kruger National Park Rest Camps

The Lesser Moorhen is neither Endemic or near Endemic to the Kruger National Park. It is however a summer resident

In terms of distribution of the Lesser Moorhen in the Kruger National Park you may not see it in all areas. Lesser Moorhen : see above distribution map.

Identification assistance for this avian species ...

The Lesser Moorhen is a bird about the same size as a starling. The height of the Lesser Moorhen is about 24 cms and its weight is about 150 gms

You will find that the male Lesser Moorhen plumage and colours are different to that of the female Lesser Moorhen

* Head is black.
* Eye is brown.
* Bill is red.
* Throat is grey.
* Back is black, grey.
* Legs are yellow.

This bird has normally proportioned leg length.
Main diet items for this bird ...

The Lesser Moorhen feeds in or around water mainly



Aquatic life forms

Breeding and nesting habits for this bird ...

The Lesser Moorhen is monogamous unless its mate dies. In the event of a partner dying Gallinula angulata will seek out a new mate

The nesting habit of Lesser Moorhen is to create the nest on water. The bird lays eggs which are cream in colour and number between 4 to 9
Habitat and flocking behaviour for this bird ...

The preferred habitats for Lesser Moorhen are: wetlands

You will normally see the Lesser Moorhen by itself rather than in the company of birds of the same species.
Names of this avian species in other languages ...

Xhosa ... Unknown

Zulu ... Unknown

Afrikaans ...Kleinwaterhoender

German ... Zwergteichhuhn

Portuguese ... Galinha-d'gua-pequena

French ... Gallinule africaine

Dutch ... Afrikaans Waterhoen

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For in-depth birding information please refer to these authoritative avian references ...

Robert's 7th edition number ... 227

The main reference source for this data was "Roberts - Birds of Southern Africa, 7th Edition" . Other references were "Newmans Birds of the Kruger Park" by Keith Newman published circa 1980 . Names in foreign languages were obtained from the Percy Fitzpatrick Institute of African Ornithology, University of Cape Town website , www.fitzpatrick.uct.ac.za

